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The Capital Scholars Honors Program Staff invites you to apply to be a part of the review board for Continuum, the Capital Scholars Honors Journal. Our vision is a journal of academic and artistic scholarship managed and edited by students here at the University of Illinois Springfield and published twice per academic year. At the end of each semester, a review board of students and faculty will be provided with works submitted and be asked to score them based on their quality and merit across a variety of categories. After a period of time, the review board will reconvene together to evaluate the writing samples and determine which works are to be showcased in the journal.


Evaluators must possess exceptional talent in composition and editing, dedicated to creating a vibrant academic community on campus. Evaluators must also be ready and willing to devote considerable time and effort near the end of each semester to assist with the evaluations of the journal. Applications are accepted on a rolling admissions basis throughout the year, but applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early to improve their chances of being accepted. This is a great opportunity to further develop your compositional skills and abilities as both a writer and an editor, and we are excited to consider your applications.

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